With rising interest rates, it is safe to assume that people are going to find it hard to find extra money to meet their mortgage and other payments. The interest rates stand at over 5% in UK at the moment.
Over the last few years people have felt wealthy because of rising house prices. But the rising interest rates due to rising inflation means that housing market is not going to carry on going up. In fact there are chances that it may start to either stall or even drop. This is going to scare the buyers away from the market. So if you are thinking about selling your house, or you want to sell really fast due to financial commitments elsewhere, then what are the alternatives?
High interest rates alone have brought many people to the brink of bankruptcy due to overstretched resources. If you find yourself in that situation and want to sell your house fast then what is the way ahead for you?
Low demand for houses means that it is buyers market. This simply translates into the fact that there are more houses selling than people willing to buy. How do you make sure that your house sells as fast as it deserves to?
You still can. Your best bet is not to go the estate agent route. Agents mainly deal with buyers who want to move in. Investors buy houses for investment purposes. They often have ready cash and can buy without many hiccups. Experienced cash property buyers can view your property quickly, make an offer based on the actual prices being paid in that area, and not what estate agent makes you believe you may fetch (which is often never the truth). If accepted, the transaction can happen within days.
There are some good investors - the ones who have ready cash available for such transactions. One of them is a company called Instant Angels. As you can imagine, good investors can not be found standing on street corners waiting for deals to come their way. They are busy and you must find them. Once you do, they can show you the money real fast.